A new Chapter of my life

I had only two weeks holiday after graduation and tomorrow I’ll be entering a new phase of my life. Yes.InsyaAllah, starting tomorrow onwards, I’ll be working full time in one of the companies in Kuala Lumpur. To be honest, it has nothing to do with my degree. The company that I’ll be working with is mainly involved in retail business, the field which is totally alien to me. However,I don’t mind. As I keep telling my mum, I want to give it a try. Of course there are so many things to learn, but I believe it’s worth it. I don’t want to be like those graduates who are so choosy when it comes to having job while not realizing that they have spent hours and hours doing nothing . I have so many responsibilities towards my parents and I believe by doing this, it is surely something that can ease their burdens. My feelings. Only Allah knows ! Nervous, worried, happy, excited-you sum up all those feeling and you get mine. This would be my first time working (permanently of course) and honestly I cannot expect anything.
Compared to my other friends who graduated same with me, I believe they are still enjoying their holiday. For me, I cannot do that. To do that would mean I am doing injustice to my parents and my family and definitely being unjust to myself. InsyaAllah, I really hope all of your dua’. I hope I’ll be having a good working environment and colleagues and everything will run smoothly. I pray that Allah will make it easy for every action and decision that i’ll be taking after this. I’m sure sometimes things might get difficult, but InsyaAllah I pray that Allah will give me the strength to face it. Just want to share this quote while reading Reader’s Digest during the holiday:

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for , in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
What do you say? =P


a.j. said...

salam... =) im happy for you brother... your such a responsible man ;)... business retail, good, Rasulullah also encourage us to do business ya know.

"Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for , in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it"

scared thinking of the reality. every time i repeat the sentence, gives me goosebumps

Hajar Alwi said...


Alhamdulillah! Honestly bro, just because we studied a certain course doesn't mean we have to end up in that field. :)

I'm glad you took this path, and sincerely hope you'll give your best at it. Insha'Allah, nothing will be unmanageable for you. Lasly, welcome to the workforce!

Humaira Xai said...

Bittaufiq wa najah

TheHumbleWayfarer said...


yes akh, Rasulullah is such a great businessman. I believe this would be a stepping stone for me for a brighter future ^_^ .The reality is indeed scary !

Sis Hajar:
Alhamdulillah. Thanks for your dua'. though everything is a too fast for me InsyaAllah,i'll try my level best to take up those challenges.I know that He is always there for me =)

al Hamra aka Zainab:
Syukran Ya Zainab.all the best to you too. InsyaAllah, you'll get the best in your life. Ameen ^_^