Hajj- once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca. For us Muslim, Hajj is very important as it is the fifth and the final pillar of Islam and it is also something which is enjoined once in a lifetime on every Muslim, male or female, who is capable mentally, physically and financially to perform it. For those who could not afford to do it, they are not doing anything wrong. Surely the don’t !. Indeed, Allah is All Knowing and He does not put any burden that men cannot bear.
The pilgrims come from all parts of the globe. They might be Chinese, Indians, Africans, Arabs, Malays, European or others-yet they embrace one similar faith i.e. Islam as their way of life. That is why, Hajj is such an exciting moment for all Muslims ! The joy of seeing Ka’bah (some people translate it as the Holy House) for the first time would be such a memorable moment for each and every Muslim. It is like an eye opening for them to see such magnificent thing before them. It is not that they worship Ka’bah, rather due to the fact that Ka’bah has witnessed so many instances in Muslims history ever since the Prophet Muhammad’s time is something that cannot be disregarded. It is then not surprising why Allah asked us to travel and go to Mecca for those who can afford it. Isn’t it a great thing to see so many new things (new environment, meeting new people, encountering new cultures etc) in front of you especially if you are coming from the most deserted and remote areas. Definitely it’s really hard to express how such feeling would be. That is why; I said it is an eye opening my dear brothers and sisters. It is like an annual gathering for all Muslims coming from all parts of the world. Subhanallah,Glory be to Allah.
The rituals of the Hajj relate directly to prophet Ibrahim(Abraham), his first –born son, Ismail, and his wife Hajar, imitating what they did many centuries before. The underlying meaning behind the rituals of the Hajj rooted in the obedience of Ibrahim and his family. For instance, the moment Ibrahim was asked to leave his own country and set forth into a barren and wild place, putting his trust in God alone. He was even asked to sacrifice his only son, the dearest thing in his life, in obedience to Allah. All these and the subsequent events show how much those people had put Allah on top of their priorities in which not all people can do.
All along the journey, the people would be calling out the Talbiyah
“I respond to Your call, O Allah...
I respond to Your call and I am obedient to Your Orders...
You have no partner...
I respond to Your call...
All the praises and the blessings are for You...
All the sovereignty is for You,
And You have no partners with You”
For me, it is really my dream to go for Hajj one day. I’m not sure when, but when the time comes; it would be a moment in which I won’t forget throughout my entire life. Yes, this is truly my dream. Insya’Allah, God willing, I have promised to myself that if I have the opportunity, I would go there with both of my parents and my wife. Yup, four of us Insya’Allah. =) Maybe next year, next five years or maybe 10 years to come...I don’t know.. I can only plan but it is He who determines all of them =) I pray that all of us would have the opportunity to have this spiritual journey one day.Ameen.
p/s:for more info about Hajj,you may visit www.performhajj.com. =)
1 year ago
akhi have you ever heard of the story of Malcolm X? he became a true muslim when he went for hajj and prayed side by side with ppl from dif races
Yes, I did a.j.@ayub. =)
maybe u can join me for hajj one day =D
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